965 70 01 46 - Fax: 966780010 Plaza de España, 20-03169 Algorfa (Alicante). ayto@algorfa.es


In Algorfa there is a great tradition of “spoon dishes” which are prepared in many different ways and bring together all the Mediterranean wisdom in terms of the combination of foods and aromas.

With a great flavour and high nutritional value, it combines meat, pulses, vegetables and greens, with a predominance of stews and rice dishes, such as cocido con pelotas, arroz de vigilia, arroz y conejo and migas con ajos (fried breadcrumbs with garlic).

To these dishes must be added traditional desserts such as buñuelos, almojábanas, tortada de almendras and paparajotes, as well as typical Christmas sweets such as mantecados, toñas and almendrados.

You can savour these dishes in our bars and restaurants as well as buy the most traditional products in our local shops or at the market on Wednesdays.