965 70 01 46 - Fax: 966780010 Plaza de España, 20-03169 Algorfa (Alicante). ayto@algorfa.es

Economic remuneration municipal corporation

The economic benefits of the municipal corporation approved for the 2015-2019 legislature, in the plenary of the municipal corporation celebrated on July 2, 2015, are the following:

  • Manuel Iván Ros Rodes (Mayor): Gross monthly remuneration of 2,500 euros, with an annual gross remuneration of 35,000 euros distributed between 14 paid. Partial dedication to 100%.
  • Fabián Rico Rodes (1st Deputy Mayor, Town Planning Councilor, Sports): gross monthly salary of 1,964.29 euros, with a gross annual salary of 27,500 euros distributed in 14 installments. Partial dedication to 100%.
  • Ana Lía Murcia Rodes (Councilor for Education and Culture, Health and Consumer Affairs, Women, Seniors and Assoc., And Tourism, Heritage and Cultural Property): monthly gross remuneration of € 857.14, with gross annual remuneration of € 12,000 divided into 14 paid. Partial dedication to 50%.
  • Vera del Alba Matas Rodríguez (Councilor for Social Services and Social Welfare, European Residents, Press and Communication and Citizen Participation): gross monthly salary of 428.57 euros, with a gross annual salary of 6,000 euros divided into 14 payments. Partial dedication to 25%.

Assistances to the collegiate bodies provided for members of the Municipal Corporation that do not have exclusive or partial dedication:

  • Full attendance:
    Members: € 100.00
    Secretary: € 70.00
  •     Assistance to Information Commissions and other collegiate bodies:
    President: 110,00 €
    Members: 60,00 €
    Secretary: € 60.00